All Hot Spot Quiz Academy members enjoy free daily promotion for each Quiz Night. This is done over the three main social media platform – Facebook / Instagram & X.
Academy members also get their own profile page on the website. These pages are also promoted on a weekly basis on social media.
The Hot Spot Quiz Academy use Twitter as just one of our main promotional tools and social media platforms. To help promote each of you individually we create a dedicated Twitter accounts. Each of these accounts we manage on your behalf.
As an academy member you will have access to special rounds and themed quizzes to use as you see fit.
Branded HSQ Academy artwork will be generated for each member and their respective venues.
There will be a range of Hot Spot Quiz branded products given to you to both wear and use. We have a merchandise range, with products at affordable prices. These are ideal for prize giveaways, to help you engage with your audience, while promoting yourself at the same time.